Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Paint Splosh...

Alpha Forge Games is running a 'Paint Splosh' contest designed to get the minis up and painted, so I have started assembling and priming a bunch.

The contest only runs through May, so I have my work cut out for me.

Also, I still have some commission work to finish up, but it was too nice to stay indoors today, so I worked on the above minis out on the patio. I've tried painting outside, but it just doesn't work.

Check out the others on this thread:


1 comment:

javi said...

Good luck with the paint splosh! I think the best idea for this kind of event is to basecoat and ink wash as much minis as you can during a time span you should decide and then spending the remaining days till the end of the splosh revisiting them (basing, highlights...)

This way you sure get loads of lead painted to a nice standard but I guess if it would be any fun.

Sadly enough that sure keeps you away from your blog for a month. anyways I'll be looking for the results!

Suerte amigo!