Hey! Got some more painting done, and put some finishing touches on a few that have been begging for attention.
Right to it! All the pics are clickable, to give a better view!
This is a Grindhouse Games Mini, it's an evil dude called Hans. He seems angry....
He'll be a nice addition to my Incursion games.
This guys' fluff has him as a deep sea diver, so I'll want to add some gloss varnish to make a 'wet' look, but damned if I could find any in my stash. Ah well... Maybe, he's good dry.
Next up is some 'Colonial Marines'. I want to use them for both Space Hulk/Aliens type games, as well as the Marines from Halo, so I gave them a bit of a generic look. These are from the very underated line from EM-4. I wanted to keep the bases simple, so I've tried to hand paint a few panels on them, like the metal decking of a derelict ship.
Here are some Modern Day Marines from TAG. Kind of a boring paintjob here as well.
Here is some scenic elements with a zombie pulling himself out of the ground. Armorcast is the maker of the scenics, and the zed is from Frothers: Both are a nice addition to my zombie games.
And the crawler himself:
And finally a Work In Progress....A few bloodied zeds. The two in the back are Studio Miniatures, the back and to the left is a Hasslefree, the two gals up front are TENGU. I plan on using all these in a zombie diorama I'm making, but want the minis removable for gaming.
It's good to start clearing these projects up, to make room for the next ones....