Sunday, June 04, 2006

Slow but steady Progress...

I have got some painting done on one of the crew members this weekend. Not enough progress, considering I really only have 2 weeks to get them done. The Deadline is June 30, but we are leaving on a family vaction June 17th, so I really gotta get moving.

I did get a decent base made for the Demolition-Bot, and got the Bot itself more or less assembled.

Here's the base:Its just primered grey here, but its layers of cork, some sand, and a little coffee stirer that will work as a exposed pipe. I plan on painting it like cement.

Here is the almost assembled Demo-Bot (now with Roboty hands!!) on the base. I have not primered him yet as I have some gap filling to do. Plus I will paint the base seperately before attaching him on.

Hopefully, with the upcoming week I will see at least one of the crew completed.

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