Here is the link....
Kind of cool to see my little painted version next to Jason Weibe's original sculpt. He has been one of my favorite sculptors for some time, so it really feels like an honor to me.
Here is the picture as well:
Also, the fellow over at Superfigs noticed my 'almost Wolverine' mini I made out of one of their sculpts. I just added some bobby pin claws and gave him a 'x-man-ish' paint job. But he asked for a pic of it and I noticed it was in their gallery now.

Here is that link and pic....
Lastly....The nice lady at Queen of Credits
Has me listed in her "FAVORITE ARTISTS" Category. Very cool honor indeed, especially when you look at the caliber of artists she has there. She commissioned a couple of things from me, the first being the Shark-at-law recreation I did for her. I had made this same conversion once before, but send it off to an attorney friend of mine. Queen of Credits, who is also an attorney, wanted a recreation and so she got it. She uses it to intimidate the opposing council!! Good to see my work has some positive effect in the real world. I did another commissioned item but she has told me to keep quiet about it until she posts it on her website...
Here is my page over there!
Thanks for reading (and listening to me brag and prattle on)!!