Not so sure why I've been away from my beloved little hobby for so long. But, life does seem to get in the way sometime.
Anyhow, I've not abandoned my project and slowly but surely I've been getting more interested in renewing it.
I have been painting some older Grenadier miniatures, just to get the rust off.
These aren't strictly MHI monsters, but still fit nicely into the genre.
First up is a Lovecraftian beasties called
The most erotic of demon poses.
He's a decent sized mini, and I envision him as some sort of bloated Bat Demon, looking for cultist to heap praise on him. I've got a bunch of bats that I will eventually paint up to become his entourage.
Next is another Grenadier mini, called the "pit demon'. Seems like he'd make a great antagonist to any group of Monster Hunters. He's 'man sized' but with those claws and teeth, I'm sure he'll be more than a handful.
Onto the summoning gone bad, or good, if you are the evil type....
Do you have a moment to talk about my lord Cthulhu?
This one is actually two different models. The summoning circle and the Protoplasm fellow. I combined the two, and added some resin....er I mean Ectoplasm. I'm sure it was a shock to the little cultist to have all those teeth come raging out.
Lastly is a WiP of a bunch of zombies I've had for a while. They were made by a company called King Zombie. I think they called the whole line Biohazard Miniatures. This particular set was 'first responders'. I've done a few of the SWAT team, but as you can see, there are quite a few more to work on.
They are cartoony, over the top, and strangely sculpted, but honestly they are fun to paint. There can never be enough Zombies to fight:
Looks like an Unlock Character scene from a video game.
Hopefully I can keep the momentum moving forward and get some more painted.
Until next time!