Ah, the dilemma of wanting to show off my little toys....I hate the photography process, just can't seem to get a good feel of it. So, I end up avoiding the pics, which makes for very boring Blogging. I bit the bullet and got some pics taken of stuff I've been working on since the beginning of the year:
First up, a very cool model of Captain America. I'm going to use him for my Incursion setups, thus the WW 2 look.
I've also been working on some Modern Mercanaries I've had around for a while. These are from a company that no longer exists, PlayWar.
And some close-ups of the better ones:
And Finally, a couple of WORKS IN PROGRESS. Very cool THOR from Knight Models. Obviously a lot of work to do here.

Well, that's it for now...Hopefully, I'll keep better track of this with photos from now on...